How to share access with my Marketing Agency

Granting access to your marketing agency allows for seamless collaboration and more effective campaign management across your digital platforms. Start by identifying which platforms, such as Google My Business, social media accounts, and analytics tools, require shared access. Follow each platform’s specific procedures to safely assign roles and permissions that align with your operational needs and security standards. Always maintain oversight by regularly reviewing who has access and adjusting permissions as your business and marketing strategies evolve.

Google My Business

To share access to your Google My Business (GMB) account with your digital marketing agency, follow these steps:

  • Sign In: Log into your Google My Business account.
  • Navigate to Users: Once you're logged in, locate and click on the “Users” button from the menu found on the left side of the dashboard. This may appear as an icon that resembles a person or group of people.
  • Invite New Users: In the Users section, click on the “Invite new users” icon, which typically looks like a plus (+) sign next to a person's silhouette.
  • Add Email Address: Enter the email address of the agency representative who will manage your account. Make sure this is their Google account email if they are to access Google My Business.
  • Select Role: Choose the appropriate role for your agency. Google offers several roles:   
    - Owner: Full access to the account with the ability to add other users.  
    - Manager: Can do most of the tasks an owner can except adding or removing users.   
    - Site Manager: Has limited capabilities, mainly around editing information and communicating with customers.
  • Send Invitation: Once you’ve selected the role, send the invitation by clicking “Invite.” The invited user will receive an email with a link to accept the invitation.
  • Confirmation: After the agency accepts the invitation, they will have access to your GMB account according to the permissions associated with their assigned role.
Google My Business Login

Local Service Ads (LSA)

To share access to your Local Services Ads (LSA) account with your digital marketing agency, follow these steps:

  • Sign In: Log into your Local Services Ads account.
  • Access the Settings: Once logged in, go to the main menu (usually accessed through the gear icon) and select "Manage Users" or "Account Settings.
  • Invite New Users: In the "Manage Users" or similar section, there will be an option to "Add User" or "Invite New User." Click this to proceed.
  • Enter Email Address: You will need to enter the email address of the agency representative you wish to give access to. It's important that this email address is associated with a Google account, as they will need to sign in with it.
  • Enter Email Address: You will need to enter the email address of the agency representative you wish to give access to. It's important that this email address is associated with a Google account, as they will need to sign in with it.
  • Assign Role: Choose a role for your agency. Typically, Local Services Ads provide a couple of roles:   
    - Admin: This role usually has full control over the account, including the ability to manage users and handle billing.   
    - Manager: This role may have access to manage campaigns and view reports but might not have access to billing or user management settings.
  • Send Invitation: After selecting the role, send the invitation. The agency representative will receive an email inviting them to manage the Local Services Ads account.
  • Agency Accepts Invitation: The invited agency will need to accept the invitation by clicking on a link in the email. Once accepted, they'll have access to the LSA account as per the permissions of the role you assigned.
Local Service Ads Login


To share access to your Meta (Facebook) Business Manager account with your digital marketing firm, follow these steps:

  • Log into Business Manager: Access your Business Manager
  • Open Business Settings: Once logged in, click on the "Business Settings" icon at the top right of the page. It may also be accessible via the main menu.
  • Go to Users Section: In the Business Settings menu, select “Users” and then choose “People” if you want to add individual users, or "Partners" if you want to add another business (such as a digital marketing firm that has its own Business Manager).
  • Add New: Click on the “Add” button. You will have the option to add individuals by their email addresses or give access to partners by entering their Business ID.   
    - For Adding Individuals (People): Enter the email address of the representative from your digital marketing firm and click "Add."   
    - For Adding Partners: Enter the Partner Business ID provided by your digital marketing firm.
  • Assign Access Levels and Assets: You will need to assign roles and select which specific assets (Pages, Ad Accounts, Catalogs, etc.) they can access. For each asset type:   
    - Select the asset from the left menu.   
    - Click “Add People” (or “Assign Partners” if you’re working through the Partners tab).   
    - Choose the individual or partner.   
    - Assign a role (like Page Admin, Ad Account Admin, etc.).   
    - Confirm by clicking "Assign."
  • Send Invitation: For individuals, once you’ve assigned roles and assets, they will receive an invitation via email to join your Business Manager. They need to accept this invitation to get access.
  • Acceptance by the Agency: The agency needs to accept the invitation by following the link provided in the email. Once they accept, they will have access to your Google Ads account according to the permissions of their assigned role.
Meta Login


To share access to your LinkedIn account or company page with your digital marketing firm, follow these steps, focusing specifically on a company page since LinkedIn doesn't allow sharing of personal account login details for security reasons:

  • Sign In to LinkedIn: Log into your LinkedIn account associated with the company page.
  • Navigate to Your Company Page: Find your company page by clicking on the "Me" icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage, then select your company page under "Manage."
  • Access Admin Tools: On your company page, look for the "Admin Tools" dropdown menu, usually located at the top right of the page.
  • Select Page Admins: From the "Admin Tools" menu, select "Manage admins" or a similar option depending on your page layout.
  • Add Admins: In the "Manage admins" section, you can add new admins. You'll see different types of roles you can assign:   
    - Super admin: Has full access to all administrative tools and insights, and can add or remove all other admins.   
    - Content admin: Can post updates, respond to comments, and view analytics.   
    - Curator: Can recommend content and manage group posts.   
    - Analyst: Can view page performance and analytics only.
  • Enter Email Addresses: Type in the LinkedIn profile name or email address of the representative from your digital marketing firm you want to add as an admin. Note that the person must be a connection on LinkedIn.
  • Assign Role and Send Invitation: Choose the appropriate role for your digital marketing firm's needs, then send the invitation. The invitee will receive a notification to accept the role as an admin.
  • Confirm Acceptance: Once the invitee accepts the invitation, they will have the access needed to manage the LinkedIn company page as per the permissions associated with their assigned role.
Linkedin Login

Yelp Business

To share access to your Yelp Business Account with your digital marketing firm, follow these steps:

  • Log into Yelp for Business: Sign into your account
  • Access Account Settings: Navigate to the "Account Settings" section, which can typically be found in the top-right menu under your business name.
  • Select User Managemen: In the Account Settings menu, look for "User Management" or a similarly titled option. This is where you can manage who has access to your Yelp business account.
  • Add a New User: Click on "Add User" or "Invite New User". You will be prompted to provide details about the new user.
  • Enter Email Address: Input the email address of the representative from your digital marketing firm whom you want to grant access to.
  • Assign a Role: Yelp generally offers several roles with varying levels of access:   
    - Account Owner: Full access to all features and settings, including the ability to manage other users.   
    - Manager: Can respond to reviews, manage photos, and view analytics, but cannot manage user access.   
    - Role Limited to Specific Tasks: Some businesses set up custom roles with specific permissions, depending on the business's needs.
  • Send Invitation: After filling out the necessary information and selecting the appropriate role, send the invitation. The person you are inviting will receive an email with instructions on how to accept the invitation and access the Yelp Business Account.
  • Confirmation by the Recipient: The invitee must follow the instructions in the email to accept the access invitation. Once accepted, they can start managing the Yelp account according to the permissions associated with their role.
Yelp Business Login

Website Domain

To share access to your law firm's website with your digital marketing agency, you can follow these general steps. Keep in mind that the specifics may vary depending on the website management platform you're using (such as WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, etc.), but the overall process is usually similar:

  • Log Into Your Website Admin Panel: Start by logging into the backend or admin panel of your website. This is typically where you manage content, settings, and user permissions.
  • Navigate to User Management: Look for a section dedicated to user management, often found under settings like "Users," "Team," "Account," or "Access Management."
  • Add a New User: There should be an option to add a new user. This might be labeled "Add User," "Create New Account," "Invite User," etc.
  • Enter User Details: You’ll need to input the email address and possibly the name of the person you're giving access to. Some platforms may also require you to set up a temporary password for the new user.
  • Select the Role and Permissions: Assign a role to the new user. Common roles include:   
    - Administrator: Has full access to all aspects of the site.   
    - Editor: Can add, edit, and publish pages or posts, but can't change website settings.   
    - Contributor: Can write and manage their own posts but cannot publish them.   
    - Subscriber: Can only manage their profile.
  • Send Invitation: Many systems will send an email to the new user with instructions on how to log in or a link to set their password.
  • Confirm Access: Ensure that the invited user follows the instructions to log in and verify that they have the appropriate level of access.
  • Provide Necessary Information: Share any important information or guidelines about your site management, including style guides, branding instructions, or any particular dos and don’ts.
  • Troubleshooting Tips:
    - Invitation Not Received: Check to make sure the email address was entered correctly. Ask the user to check their spam or junk mail folder. If the email still can’t be found, try resending the invitation.
    - Incorrect Permissions: If the user reports that they don’t have the access they need, double-check the role and permissions you assigned to ensure they are appropriate. Adjust as needed.
    - User Cannot Log In: Confirm they are using the correct URL for the admin panel. If they have forgotten their password, most systems offer a "Forgot Password" feature they can use to reset it.
    - Security Concerns: Always ensure that the users you add are trusted, especially with high-level access roles. Use strong, unique passwords for all admin accounts and consider implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) for additional security.By following these steps and keeping these troubleshooting tips in mind, you can effectively manage access to your law firm's website, enabling your digital marketing agency to contribute to your site while maintaining security and control.
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