Google Ad

Keyword Types

Maximize your law firm's online visibility with The Basement Agency's expert Google Ads management. Specializing in legal marketing, we leverage Broad, Phrase, Exact, and Negative keyword types to ensure your campaigns target the right audience effectively. Boost your practice's growth with tailored strategies that enhance click-through rates and optimize ad spend. Partner with The Basement Agency for precise, data-driven Google Ads solutions that drive results.

Ad Placement & Targeting Enhancements

Ads will now appear on content that aligns with any of the targeted topics, placements, or keywords. For instance, targeting “bikes” as a topic and “cycling” as a keyword ensures ads appear on relevant content matching either criterion.

Simplified Contextual Targeting

Google Ads has streamlined contextual targeting by consolidating it into a single page. This allows for easier management of topics, placements, keywords, and exclusions all under the "Content" section.

Utilization of Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are essential for refining ad targeting by excluding irrelevant search terms. This ensures ads are displayed only to the most relevant audiences, potentially increasing return on investment (ROI). Different match types (broad, phrase, and exact) offer varying levels of control over excluded terms.

Account-level negative keywords

Creating a global list of negative keywords at the account level applies these exclusions across all search and shopping campaigns, enhancing targeting efficiency.

specifics of negative keywords for display & video ads

 For Display and Video campaigns, negative keywords prevent ads from appearing on sites or videos related to excluded topics, though the application and limitations differ from search campaigns.

How to Add & Manage Negative Keywords

The provided information highlights several key elements about content suitability settings and how they are implemented in Google Ads, focusing on brand safety and precise ad targeting:

  • Account-Level Content Suitability Settings: These settings allow advertisers to opt out of displaying ads on or alongside content that may not align with their brand values. They apply to campaigns running on YouTube and the Google Display Network but do not affect Search and Shopping campaigns. These settings also have limited coverage for in-feed ads and app-based content.
  • Inventory Types: This feature helps define the type of content suitable for a brand’s advertising needs across YouTube and the Google Display Network, excluding App campaigns. The three inventory types offered are Expanded, Standard, and Limited, each providing different levels of content exposure based on the brand's comfort with sensitive content.
  • Content Exclusions: Policies determine the types of content that cannot be monetized, while additional content suitability settings help brands avoid inappropriate content for their ads. These exclusions can impact campaign performance due to restricted visibility.
  • Excluded Content Categories: Advertisers can opt out from categories like tragedy, conflict, and sensitive social issues, which may be deemed sensitive for some brands. These exclusions are intended to prevent ads from appearing alongside content that could reflect negatively on the brand.
  • Content Type Exclusions: Specific content types like live streams or embedded videos can be excluded to further refine where ads are shown, applicable to all campaigns on YouTube or the Google Display Network.
  • Excluded Content Labels: These allow advertisers to select ads based on the maturity level of the content, ensuring alignment with audience appropriateness.
  • Excluded Content Keywords and Placements: Keywords and placements can be excluded to prevent ads from appearing on specific videos, channels, websites, and apps. These exclusions are critical for maintaining brand safety and relevance.
  • Content Suitability Coverage and Settings: Detailed tables and settings provide a comprehensive overview of where and how content suitability settings apply, including different Google platforms and content types.