
Call Analytics: Your Firm's Court Reporter for Digital Marketing

Call tracking is an essential service for law firms, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of their marketing strategies and client communication. It involves tracking and analyzing incoming calls to determine how clients are finding your law firm and which marketing efforts are most effective. Here’s how The Basement approaches call tracking for attorneys:

The Legal Billing Code for Call Tracking Success

The Power of Call Tracking for Law Firms:

Accurate Attribution as Billable Hours:

In the legal industry, every minute matters, and accurate billing is crucial. Similarly, in the world of digital marketing, accurate call tracking is essential. Think of call tracking as the digital equivalent of your firm’s billable hours system. Each tracked call provides clear attribution, ensuring you receive full credit for every marketing effort. With precise tracking, you can pinpoint exactly which campaigns, ads, or listings are driving calls to your firm. This transparency not only helps in evaluating the effectiveness of your marketing strategies but also in allocating resources more efficiently, ensuring no effort goes unrecognized.

Optimizing ROI:

For law firms, return on investment (ROI) is paramount. Call tracking empowers you to optimize your marketing efforts, ensuring every dollar spent yields the highest possible return. By analyzing call data, you can identify which channels generate the most valuable leads, allowing you to focus your budget on the strategies that work best. This data-driven approach helps you cut back on ineffective campaigns and reinvest in those that deliver results, ultimately maximizing your ROI. With call tracking, you can transform insights into action, refining your marketing tactics to attract more clients and grow your practice efficiently.

CallRail: Your Court-Appointed Call Analytics Specialist

Introduction to CallRail

In the courtroom of digital marketing, CallRail stands as a leading authority in call tracking and analytics. Known for its robust and reliable platform, CallRail provides the tools necessary to monitor and analyze incoming calls with precision. As your "court-appointed" partner, CallRail delivers comprehensive insights that help you understand the true impact of your marketing efforts. With features like dynamic number insertion, call recording, and detailed analytics, CallRail equips your firm with the evidence needed to make informed decisions and optimize performance.

CallRail’s advanced capabilities allow you to:

Track Call Sources: 

Identify which marketing channels—be it your website, social media, paid ads, or directories—are driving the most calls.

Record Calls: 

Capture and review call recordings to assess lead quality and improve training.

Analyze Data: 

Use in-depth analytics to monitor call patterns, conversion rates, and more, ensuring you have a clear view of your marketing effectiveness.

By leveraging these features, CallRail ensures you’re not left guessing about what works and what doesn’t in your marketing strategy. Instead, you have concrete data to back every decision, much like presenting irrefutable evidence in court.

Partnership with The Basement Agency

At The Basement Agency, we understand the critical role that accurate call tracking plays in successful marketing campaigns. That's why we have partnered with CallRail, combining our expertise in legal marketing with CallRail’s cutting-edge technology to offer unparalleled call analytics solutions.

Benefits of Our Partnership with CallRail:

Comprehensive Call Analytics: 

We provide detailed reports on call sources, durations, outcomes, and more. This granular data helps you understand client behavior and adjust your marketing strategies accordingly.

Enhanced Lead Quality: By analyzing call recordings and transcriptions, we can assess lead quality and ensure that your marketing efforts attract the right kind of clients. This helps in refining your approach to target high-value leads.

Missed Call Management: 

With CallRail, we can monitor missed calls and abandoned opportunities. Our team works with you to develop follow-up strategies that convert missed calls into potential clients, reducing the percentage of lost opportunities.

Optimized Intake Processes: 

We use call data to identify peak call times and staffing needs. This ensures that your firm is always prepared to handle high call volumes efficiently, leading to better client satisfaction and higher conversion rates.

By integrating CallRail with our marketing expertise, we provide a comprehensive call tracking solution that not only tracks every lead but also offers actionable insights to improve your firm's performance. Our partnership ensures that you receive the most accurate, detailed, and useful call data possible, helping you make smarter marketing decisions.

Dissecting the Testimony: Analyzing Call Data Forensics

Just as a skilled attorney dissects testimony to uncover crucial details, The Basement Agency employs call data forensics to meticulously analyze every aspect of your incoming calls. By tracking call sources and examining call data, we provide intelligent attribution that illuminates the true impact of your marketing efforts.

Tracking Call Sources

Understanding the origins of your calls is fundamental to refining your marketing strategies. Accurate tracking of call sources allows us to attribute each call to its respective marketing channel, ensuring that every lead is accounted for. This granular level of detail helps determine which campaigns are most effective and which areas need optimization.

Website Pools:

Imagine assigning dynamic phone numbers to different sections or pages of your website. With website pools, we can precisely attribute calls to specific online interactions. This insight reveals which web pages are driving the most engagement and conversions. For instance, if a significant number of calls originate from your blog posts, it indicates the content’s effectiveness in attracting potential clients. By understanding these patterns, we can optimize your website’s structure and content to enhance lead generation.

Branding Listing Numbers:

Off-page listings—such as directories, social media profiles, and map listings—are pivotal for your firm’s visibility. Utilizing unique branding listing numbers for these sources helps track calls that come through these channels. This not only measures the effectiveness of your off-page SEO efforts but also ensures consistent and accessible contact information across platforms. By monitoring these calls, we can fine-tune your off-page listings to bolster your firm’s online presence and authority.

Paid Ads Tracking Numbers:

Every paid ad campaign benefits from having a specific tracking number. This practice enables precise attribution of calls generated from different advertisements. Whether it’s a Google Ads campaign, a Facebook ad, or a display ad on a legal directory, distinct tracking numbers allow us to measure each campaign’s performance. This detailed analysis reveals which ads deliver the best ROI and highlights areas for improvement. For example, if a particular Google Ads campaign generates high call volume but low conversion, we can adjust the ad copy or targeting to enhance its effectiveness.

Call Recording and Transcription

Recording and transcribing calls are essential for quality assurance, training, and continuous improvement. Each call serves as a piece of evidence, offering invaluable insights into client interactions and the overall effectiveness of your intake process.

Quality Assurance:

Listening to recorded calls enables us to assess lead quality and staff performance. By identifying successful interactions and areas needing improvement, we ensure your team consistently delivers excellent service. This not only enhances client satisfaction but also boosts conversion rates. For instance, if we notice that leads frequently have specific questions, we can refine your team’s responses to improve engagement and satisfaction.

Training Purposes:

Transcribed calls are powerful training tools. By reviewing transcripts, we can identify common client concerns and tailor training sessions to address these issues. This helps your staff handle calls more effectively, enhancing client engagement and conversion rates. For example, if transcripts reveal frequent queries about a particular service, we can train your staff to provide more detailed and reassuring information, leading to higher client trust and conversion.

Monitoring Missed Calls and Abandoned Opportunities

Missed calls and abandoned opportunities can represent a significant loss for your firm. By monitoring these metrics, we identify patterns and implement strategies to minimize missed calls and recapture lost leads.

Missed Call Monitoring:

Tracking missed calls helps us understand when and why calls are not answered. Analyzing this data allows us to recommend adjustments to your staffing levels or call handling procedures, ensuring more calls are answered promptly. For example, if data shows a high volume of missed calls during lunch hours, we might suggest staggered breaks to maintain coverage.

Follow-Up Processes:

A robust follow-up process for missed calls significantly improves conversion rates. By promptly reaching out to individuals who called but didn’t connect, you can recover potentially lost leads. This proactive approach turns missed opportunities into new clients. For example, if a potential client leaves a voicemail, a timely and well-informed follow-up call can reassure them and secure their business.

Streamlining the Jury Selection Process: Optimizing Your Intake

Optimizing your intake process is akin to streamlining the jury selection process in a trial—it's crucial for ensuring that every potential client is given the best possible chance to engage with your firm. By leveraging call data insights, we can refine your intake processes, improve efficiency, and ultimately boost your conversion rates.

Peak Call Volumes and Staffing Needs

Staffing Adjustments:

Call data provides a clear picture of when your firm experiences peak call volumes. By analyzing this data, we can identify specific times of day, days of the week, or even seasons when call traffic is at its highest. This allows you to ensure that you have adequate staffing during these peak times, preventing missed calls and improving client satisfaction. For example, if data shows that Mondays and Wednesdays have the highest call volumes between 9 AM and 11 AM, you can schedule additional intake staff during these hours to handle the influx efficiently.

Efficiency Improvements:

Optimizing intake processes based on call patterns and data insights can significantly enhance your firm's efficiency. By understanding common call durations, frequently asked questions, and typical client concerns, you can streamline your intake protocols. This might involve developing standardized scripts for your staff to handle common inquiries quickly and effectively or implementing automated systems for routine tasks, freeing up your team to focus on more complex client needs. Additionally, call data can help identify bottlenecks in your process, allowing you to address and rectify them swiftly.

Whisper Messages for Contextual Awareness

Contextual Handling:

Whisper messages are brief, automated prompts that provide contextual information to your staff before they answer a call. For example, a whisper message might indicate whether the call is coming from a specific ad campaign, a local service ad, or a particular directory listing. This contextual awareness enables your team to handle the call more effectively by tailoring their approach to the caller’s specific needs and expectations. If a call originates from a personal injury ad campaign, your staff can immediately focus on relevant questions and information, enhancing the caller’s experience and increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Secure Line Transfers:

In situations where calls involve sensitive information, whisper messages can also facilitate secure line transfers. By alerting your staff to the nature of the call, they can ensure that conversations are moved to secure lines as needed, maintaining confidentiality and building trust with potential clients. For instance, if a whisper message indicates that the call is about a medical malpractice case, the intake specialist can transfer the call to a secure line before discussing any sensitive details, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and enhancing client confidence.

Follow-Ups on Missed Calls

Missed Call Recovery:

Implementing robust follow-up processes for missed calls is crucial for capturing potential leads that might otherwise be lost. When a call is missed, automated notifications can alert your intake team to follow up promptly. By contacting missed callers within a specific timeframe, you demonstrate your firm's dedication and responsiveness, which can significantly improve client perceptions and increase the chances of conversion. For example, setting up a system where missed calls are followed up within 30 minutes can drastically reduce the number of lost opportunities.

Conversion Boost:

Effective follow-up processes not only recover missed opportunities but also boost overall conversion rates. By reaching out to missed callers with personalized follow-up messages, your team can address any questions or concerns they might have had, re-engaging them and encouraging them to choose your firm. Additionally, analyzing missed call data can help identify patterns or common reasons for missed calls, allowing you to make necessary adjustments to your staffing or processes to reduce future missed calls. This proactive approach ensures that you capture and convert as many leads as possible, driving growth and success for your firm.

By streamlining your intake process using these strategies, you can ensure that every potential client receives prompt, personalized, and professional attention. This not only enhances client satisfaction but also maximizes your firm’s conversion rates and overall effectiveness.

Integrating the Entire Legal Team: Your Marketing Tech Stack

Integrating call tracking into your marketing tech stack is like ensuring that every member of your legal team is working seamlessly together. This integration not only streamlines operations but also provides comprehensive insights that enhance your marketing strategies and improve overall performance.

Platform Integrations

Google Ads Integration:

Integrating CallRail with Google Ads allows you to track and optimize the performance of your ad campaigns using call data. By linking call tracking data with your ad campaigns, you can see which ads are driving the most calls and which keywords are most effective. This integration helps you refine your ad spend, focusing on high-performing ads and keywords to maximize your return on investment. For instance, if a particular ad is generating a high volume of valuable leads, you can allocate more budget to that ad while scaling back on less effective ones.

Google Analytics Integration:

Combining CallRail with Google Analytics provides a comprehensive view of your marketing efforts by analyzing call data alongside website metrics. This integration enables you to track the entire client journey, from the initial website visit to the phone call. By understanding how visitors interact with your site before calling, you can optimize your website content and design to improve engagement and conversion rates. For example, if analytics show that visitors who spend more time on a specific page are more likely to call, you can enhance that page to drive even more calls.

Tag Manager Integration:

Google Tag Manager simplifies the setup and management of call tracking, making it easier to implement and maintain tracking codes without needing extensive technical knowledge. With Tag Manager, you can quickly deploy and update call tracking tags across your website, ensuring accurate data collection. This streamlined process saves time and reduces the likelihood of tracking errors. Additionally, using Tag Manager allows for greater flexibility and control over your call tracking setup, enabling you to make adjustments as needed to optimize performance.

Workflow Automation with Zapier

Zapier Integrations:

Leveraging Zapier, a powerful automation tool, enables you to automate data flows between CallRail and other platforms you use. For example, you can set up Zaps (automated workflows) that automatically log call data into your CRM, update lead statuses, or send notifications to your team when a call is received. This automation reduces manual data entry, minimizes errors, and ensures that your team has up-to-date information at all times. By streamlining these processes, you can focus on more strategic tasks and improve overall efficiency.

Data Consolidation:

Zapier also facilitates the consolidation of data from various sources, providing unified reporting and insights. By integrating CallRail with your other marketing tools, you can create a single source of truth for all your data. This consolidation allows for more accurate and comprehensive reporting, making it easier to analyze performance and make informed decisions. For instance, combining call data with website analytics, email marketing metrics, and social media insights gives you a holistic view of your marketing efforts, helping you identify trends and optimize your strategies.

User-Friendly Interface

Ease of Use:

CallRail’s user-friendly interface ensures smooth setup and management of call tracking, even for users without technical expertise. The intuitive design guides you through the process, from setting up tracking numbers to configuring integrations and analyzing data. This ease of use means you can quickly get up and running with call tracking, without the need for extensive training or technical support.

Time-Saving Features:

CallRail includes a range of time-saving features designed to streamline call tracking and management. Automated call logging, real-time reporting, and customizable dashboards allow you to monitor performance and make adjustments on the fly. These features save valuable time and resources, allowing your team to focus on delivering exceptional service to your clients. Additionally, CallRail’s robust support and documentation provide assistance when needed, ensuring that you can efficiently resolve any issues and continue optimizing your call tracking setup.

Presenting the Winning Evidence: Data-Driven Marketing Decisions

In the courtroom of digital marketing, presenting data-driven evidence is crucial for crafting winning strategies. By leveraging call analytics, you can make informed decisions that optimize your marketing efforts and drive tangible results. Here’s how utilizing call data can revolutionize your approach.

Assessing Marketing Channels

Performance Analysis:

Call analytics allows you to evaluate the performance of various marketing channels with precision. By tracking the source of each call—whether it’s from your website, social media, paid ads, or directories—you can identify which channels are generating the most valuable leads. This granular insight helps you understand which marketing efforts are paying off and which ones need adjustment. For example, if call data shows that a particular Google Ads campaign is driving high-quality leads, you can invest more in that campaign while tweaking or discontinuing less effective ones.

Optimization Opportunities:

With a clear understanding of channel performance, you can optimize your marketing spend to achieve the highest return on investment. This involves reallocating budget from underperforming channels to those that deliver better results. By continuously monitoring and adjusting your marketing strategies based on call analytics, you ensure that your resources are used efficiently and effectively. For instance, if call tracking reveals that social media ads are underperforming compared to organic search, you can shift your focus and budget towards enhancing your SEO efforts.

Identifying High-Value Leads

Lead Source Analysis:

Identifying the sources of high-value leads is a critical aspect of data-driven marketing. Call analytics provides detailed insights into where your most valuable leads originate, whether it’s a specific ad campaign, a particular directory listing, or organic search results. By tracking and analyzing these lead sources, you can focus your efforts on attracting more high-quality leads from these channels.

Investment Optimization:

Once you know where your high-value leads are coming from, you can optimize your investment allocation accordingly. This means directing more resources towards channels that consistently produce valuable leads and scaling back on those that do not. This targeted approach ensures that your marketing budget is spent on strategies that yield the best results. For example, if data shows that leads from local service ads have a higher conversion rate, you can increase your investment in those ads to maximize your ROI.

Refining Strategies with Data Insights

Data-Backed Decisions:

Making informed decisions is easier when you have comprehensive call analytics at your disposal. By analyzing call data, you can gain insights into client behavior, preferences, and pain points. This information allows you to tailor your marketing messages and strategies to better meet the needs of your target audience. For instance, if call recordings and transcriptions reveal common questions or concerns, you can address these proactively in your marketing materials and website content.

Continuous Improvement:

Data-driven marketing is an ongoing process of refinement and improvement. Regularly updating and analyzing performance data allows you to identify trends, spot opportunities, and adjust your strategies in real-time. This continuous improvement cycle ensures that your marketing efforts remain effective and responsive to changes in the market. By regularly reviewing call analytics, you can stay ahead of the competition and maintain a dynamic, results-oriented approach to your marketing.

The Basement Agency: Your Call Tracking Legal Specialists

Mastery in Call Tracking

At The Basement Agency, we take pride in our comprehensive understanding and skilled application of call tracking for law firm marketing. Our in-depth knowledge allows us to provide top-tier services that drive significant results for our clients.

In-Depth Knowledge:

Our team has extensive experience with call tracking systems and their applications in legal marketing. We know the intricacies of setting up and managing call tracking solutions, ensuring that every call is accurately tracked and analyzed. This deep understanding enables us to extract valuable insights from call data, helping you make informed decisions about your marketing strategies. For example, we configure dynamic number insertion to track calls from different web pages or ad campaigns, providing granular attribution data.

Proven Techniques:

We utilize effective techniques to optimize call tracking and improve ROI for our clients. These methods include strategic placement of tracking numbers, detailed call analysis, and continuous monitoring to identify and capitalize on opportunities. By implementing these methods, we ensure that your marketing efforts are not only effective but also efficient. For instance, we assign unique tracking numbers to each paid ad campaign, allowing us to precisely measure performance and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Proven Processes

Our success in call tracking is underpinned by our rigorous and methodical approach to call data analysis and strategy optimization.

Analytical Approach:

Our analytical approach involves a thorough examination of call data to uncover patterns, trends, and insights that can inform your marketing strategy. We analyze various metrics, such as call volume, call duration, caller location, and call outcomes, to gain a comprehensive understanding of your client interactions. This detailed analysis helps us identify what is working well and where there is room for improvement. For example, by examining call duration and outcomes, we can determine which calls are more likely to convert into clients and adjust your marketing messages to attract similar leads.

Strategy Optimization:

Using the insights gained from our analysis, we refine and enhance your marketing strategies to maximize their effectiveness. This involves continuous testing, monitoring, and adjusting to ensure that your strategies remain aligned with your goals and market conditions. Our strategy optimization process includes regular reviews of call data, client feedback, and performance metrics, enabling us to make data-driven adjustments that enhance your overall marketing performance. For instance, if we notice that calls from a particular directory listing have a higher conversion rate, we might recommend increasing your presence on that platform.

Success Stories

Our thorough understanding and proven processes have led to numerous success stories, demonstrating the significant impact of call tracking on our clients’ marketing efforts.

Real-World Examples:

One of our clients, a mid-sized personal injury law firm, experienced a substantial increase in qualified leads after implementing our call tracking solutions. By analyzing the call data, we identified that calls from certain paid search campaigns had higher conversion rates. We optimized their ad spend to focus on these high-performing campaigns, resulting in a 25% increase in qualified leads within three months. Another example involves a family law firm that used our call tracking insights to refine their intake process, reducing missed calls by 15% and increasing client retention.

Tangible Results:

The tangible results achieved through our call tracking insights speak for themselves. Our clients have seen improvements in lead generation, conversion rates, and overall marketing ROI. For instance, a criminal defense firm we worked with was able to increase their call conversion rate by 20% by using our call recording and transcription services to train their intake staff more effectively. Additionally, our follow-up strategies for missed calls have helped several firms recover potential leads, boosting their overall conversion rates and client satisfaction.

The CallRail Supreme Court of Call Analytics

Partnering with CallRail is like having access to the Supreme Court of call tracking platforms, offering unparalleled insights and capabilities that empower your law firm to excel. Here’s how CallRail’s advanced features and our partnership with them can benefit your firm.

Benefits of CallRail Partnership

Comprehensive Features:

CallRail offers a wide range of features that provide deep insights into your marketing efforts. These include call tracking, recording, transcription, and dynamic number insertion. These tools allow you to monitor where your calls are coming from, the quality of those calls, and how they contribute to your overall marketing success. By using these features, you can gain a clear and comprehensive view of your client interactions, enabling you to make data-driven decisions that enhance your marketing strategies.

Superior Analytics:

CallRail’s advanced analytics capabilities set it apart from other call tracking platforms. With detailed reports and dashboards, you can analyze call volume, call duration, caller demographics, and conversion rates. This level of insight helps you understand which marketing channels are most effective and how you can optimize your efforts for better results. For example, if the analytics show that calls from a specific directory have a high conversion rate, you can focus more on that directory to attract more potential clients.

Advanced Features and Scalability

Feature-Rich Platform:

CallRail is a feature-rich platform designed to meet the diverse needs of law firms. Key features include keyword spotting, call scoring, and call routing. Keyword spotting allows you to identify specific words or phrases in call transcriptions, helping you understand client needs and tailor your services accordingly. Call scoring helps you evaluate the quality of each call, ensuring that your intake team is effectively handling leads. Call routing ensures that calls are directed to the appropriate team members, improving response times and client satisfaction.

Scalable Solutions:

One of CallRail’s greatest strengths is its scalability. Whether you are a small practice or a large firm, CallRail can grow with your needs. The platform’s flexibility allows you to start with the basic features and add more advanced capabilities as your firm expands. This scalability ensures that you always have the tools you need to effectively manage and optimize your marketing efforts. For instance, as your call volume increases, you can easily upgrade to more comprehensive plans that offer additional tracking numbers and advanced analytics.

Efficiency and Resource Savings

Outsourcing Benefits:

Outsourcing call tracking management to CallRail frees up valuable resources within your firm. Instead of dedicating time and personnel to manually track and analyze calls, you can rely on CallRail’s automated systems to handle these tasks efficiently. This allows your team to focus on providing exceptional legal services to your clients while still benefiting from detailed call insights. By leveraging CallRail’s expertise, you ensure that your call tracking is accurate and effective, without the overhead of managing it in-house.

Operational Efficiency:

CallRail improves operational efficiency by streamlining call tracking processes. With its user-friendly interface and robust support, setting up and managing call tracking becomes a hassle-free experience. The platform’s automated features reduce the need for manual intervention, saving time and reducing the likelihood of errors. Additionally, CallRail’s integration capabilities allow you to connect with other tools and platforms, creating a seamless workflow that enhances your overall marketing strategy. For example, integrating CallRail with your CRM system ensures that call data is automatically logged and updated, providing a complete view of client interactions.

Taking Action: Unlocking Your Firm's Growth Potential

Unlocking your law firm’s growth potential is just a step away. With The Basement Agency's comprehensive call tracking solutions, you can transform your marketing efforts and achieve unparalleled success. Here’s how to get started and why partnering with us will make all the difference.

Schedule a Consultation

Easy Scheduling:

Scheduling a consultation with us is straightforward and hassle-free. Simply visit our website and fill out the consultation request form, or give us a call directly. We’ll promptly arrange a convenient time for a detailed discussion.

Personalized Discussion:

During the consultation, we take the time to understand your firm’s unique needs, challenges, and goals. This personalized approach ensures that we tailor our solutions to fit your specific requirements. Our experts will walk you through how call tracking can benefit your practice, answer any questions you may have, and provide actionable insights to enhance your marketing strategies.

Transformative Power of Data-Driven Marketing

Impactful Insights:

Call tracking provides invaluable data that allows you to make informed, data-driven decisions. By analyzing call data, you can gain deep insights into client behavior, marketing channel performance, and lead quality. These insights empower you to refine your strategies, focusing on what works best and eliminating what doesn’t, ensuring your marketing efforts are always optimized.

Growth Potential:

The true power of call tracking lies in its ability to unlock your firm’s growth potential. With detailed analytics at your fingertips, you can identify high-value leads, optimize your investment allocation, and continuously improve your marketing strategies. This data-driven approach not only enhances your current marketing efforts but also positions your firm for sustainable growth. Imagine having the clarity and confidence to invest in the right channels, knowing exactly how each dollar spent will impact your bottom line.

Trusted Partner

Proven Success:

The Basement Agency is your trusted partner in legal marketing. Our extensive experience and track record of success demonstrate our ability to deliver results. We have helped numerous law firms enhance their marketing strategies through effective call tracking, leading to increased lead generation, higher conversion rates, and improved ROI.

Reliable Partnership:

Partnering with The Basement Agency means you are working with a team dedicated to your success. We are committed to providing reliable, high-quality services that meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Our ongoing support and strategic guidance ensure that you always have the tools and insights necessary to stay ahead in the competitive legal market.

Take the First Step Today

Ready to unlock your firm’s growth potential? Schedule a consultation with The Basement Agency today and discover the transformative power of data-driven marketing enabled by call tracking. Let us be your trusted partner in achieving legal marketing success.

Visit our website or call us directly to get started. Together, we’ll build a powerful marketing strategy that drives results and propels your firm to new heights.

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