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How Google Map Listings Are Changing in 2024

Google Map Listings have long been a crucial tool for businesses, especially law firms, to enhance their online presence and attract local clients. Over the years, Google has continually updated its features to improve user experience and business utility. The latest changes in 2024 promise significant updates that attorneys need to be aware of to maintain their competitive edge. This blog will explore these changes, their implications, and strategies for leveraging these updates effectively.

Overview of Previous Changes

In 2022, Google introduced several notable updates to Google My Business (now known as Google Business Profile). These changes aimed to enhance the platform’s functionality and improve how businesses interact with their clients. Key updates included the ability to manage profiles directly within Google Search and Maps and improved messaging features. These changes were designed to make it easier for businesses to maintain their online presence and engage with clients more efficiently. The updates streamlined various functionalities, ensuring that businesses could respond to client inquiries promptly and manage their profiles with greater ease. For a detailed summary of the 2022 changes, refer to the Forbes article on Google My Business updates.

Recent Changes Announced for 2024

Google has announced several significant updates to Google Business Profile that will impact how businesses manage their online presence:

One of the major changes is the discontinuation of chat and call history features. Starting July 15, 2024, customers will no longer be able to initiate new chat conversations, and by July 31, chat functionality will be fully terminated. This change means businesses must adapt their communication strategies to ensure they remain accessible to potential clients through other channels. This shift could be seen as part of a broader trend where Google is streamlining its services to focus on features that drive more direct interactions and engagements.

Another significant update is the integration of Local Service Ads (LSAs) with Google Maps for iOS. This feature will allow LSAs to appear directly in Google Maps search results, providing greater visibility for attorneys. This integration is expected to enhance the reach of LSAs and improve the chances of connecting with potential clients actively searching for legal services on their mobile devices. The move underscores Google’s strategy to make its platforms more interconnected and provide users with seamless access to relevant services.

Historically, managing a Google Business Profile has required a significant effort, particularly in gathering and managing reviews. Reviews have been one of the most challenging aspects for businesses to manage due to their impact on search rankings and client trust. The recent changes raise the bar yet again, necessitating a shift in strategy to maintain a strong online presence. Attorneys must now focus on optimizing their profiles in new ways to meet the evolving standards set by Google.

Implications for Attorneys

These changes carry several implications for attorneys. With the discontinuation of chat and call history features, attorneys will need to rely more on other communication methods such as direct calls, emails, and interactions through their websites. Ensuring these channels are optimized and responsive will be crucial. The shift away from chat functionalities might initially seem like a setback, but it also offers an opportunity to refine and improve direct communication methods, making interactions more personal and effective.

The integration of LSAs with Google Maps for iOS will enhance mobile visibility, making it more important than ever for attorneys to ensure their Google Business Profiles are fully optimized and up-to-date. This integration means that potential clients can find and contact attorneys directly through Google Maps, significantly increasing the chances of attracting new clients. Attorneys should regularly update their profiles with accurate information, high-quality photos, and positive reviews to maintain a high ranking in search results.

Additionally, attorneys should be aware that the integration of LSAs with Google Maps could signal a broader strategy by Google to monetize map listings more effectively. By pairing LSAs with Google Business Profile listings, Google can create a more robust and monetized platform. This integration might lead to increased competition and higher costs per lead as attorneys strive to maintain visibility in this new landscape.

Adapting to the Changes

To effectively adapt to these changes, it’s essential for attorneys to ensure their Google Business Profiles are fully optimized. One crucial aspect of this is managing performance data effectively. Attorneys can bulk download performance data for multiple profiles to a spreadsheet, allowing them to view how different locations are performing on Google Search and Maps. This functionality is particularly useful for law firms with multiple locations, as it enables comprehensive performance analysis.

To access and manage this data, attorneys can use the Business Profile Manager. By signing in and selecting the profiles they want to manage, they can download a bulk performance report. This report can provide insights into various metrics, helping attorneys understand and improve their online presence.

1. Access Business Profile Manager: Sign in on your computer.

2. Select Profiles: Choose the profiles you want to manage.

3. Download Insights: Click the “Download Insights” button above the list of locations.

4. Select Time-frame: Choose the period for your performance data.

5. Download Report: Click “Download report” to get your data in a spreadsheet.

It’s essential to note that only verified profiles can access performance data. If you haven’t turned on your profile for download, you may see “***” in the columns of your bulk performance spreadsheet. This feature helps attorneys keep track of their performance and make data-driven decisions to enhance their online presence.

For the Sake of Argument: A Hypothesis on Google’s Monetization Strategy

For the sake of argument, consider the analogy of a restaurant adapting to changing health regulations. Just as a restaurant must update its practices and facilities to comply with new health standards while ensuring it continues to attract and serve customers, attorneys must adapt to Google’s updates to maintain and enhance their visibility and client engagement. Failure to adapt could result in decreased visibility and lost opportunities, much like a restaurant losing customers due to non-compliance with health standards.

When examining these recent changes, it becomes clear that Google is positioning itself to further monetize its most valuable asset—Google Map Listings. Historically, businesses had the option to run local campaigns on Google Ads to promote their map listings, but this was discontinued. Now, with the integration of LSAs into Google Maps, Google seems to be reintroducing a similar concept but with more control and monetization potential.

One might hypothesize that Google’s strategy includes pairing LSAs with Google Business Profile listings to create a more robust and monetized platform. By integrating LSAs into Google Maps and launching branded search features, Google ensures that no other businesses can capitalize on an attorney’s name and reputation. While this provides a protective benefit to the attorney, it also positions Google to capitalize on what was previously a “free” call directly from the map listing. The integration could be seen as a move to direct more interactions through paid LSAs rather than free Google Map Listings. This strategic shift might lead to increased competition and higher costs per lead as attorneys strive to maintain visibility in this new landscape.


The changes to Google Map Listings and Google Business Profile in 2024 present both opportunities and challenges for attorneys. By staying informed and proactive, law firms can leverage these updates to enhance their online presence and client engagement. At The Basement Agency, we specialize in helping law firms navigate these changes and optimize their digital marketing strategies. Contact us today to learn how we can support your practice in adapting to these updates and achieving your marketing goals.


Google Business Profile: 

The platform previously known as Google My Business, where businesses can manage their online presence across Google, including search and maps. Learn more about Google Business Profile.

Local Service Ads (LSAs): 

A Google advertising platform that helps service providers, including attorneys, connect with local customers. LSAs are displayed at the top of search results and now integrate with Google Maps for iOS. Learn more about Local Service Ads.

Google Maps Integration: 

The addition of Local Service Ads into Google Maps search results for iOS, enhancing mobile visibility for attorneys.


The landscape of Google Map Listings and Google Business Profile is evolving significantly in 2024, with major updates poised to impact how attorneys manage their online presence. Key changes include the discontinuation of chat and call history features, the integration of Local Service Ads (LSAs) with Google Maps for iOS, and the ongoing challenges of managing reviews. These changes necessitate a strategic response from attorneys, emphasizing the need for diversified communication channels, optimized Google Business Profiles, and vigilance in monitoring ad performance. Additionally, attorneys should leverage tools like Business Profile Manager to download and analyze performance data, ensuring they stay ahead in this competitive landscape. At The Basement Agency, we provide expert guidance to help law firms navigate these changes and optimize their digital marketing strategies for continued success. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your practice.